Board of Health

DeWitt-Piatt Bi-County Health Department

Board of health



The DPBHD is governed by a Board of Health as required by Chapter 55 of the Illinois Compiled State Statutes Section 5, Division 5-25. Our board is comprised of 8 members, 4 from each county in our service area. The state statutes require that at least two members of our board of health be physicians licensed to practice medicine in the state of Illinois, and that at least one member be a dentist licensed to practice dentistry in the state of Illinois. The statutes also require that a representative from each county board be appointed to the Board of Health.


Refer to the State Statutes governing County and Multi-County Health Departments by clicking the link below:


DeWitt County:


Dr. Mark Hobbie, D.M.D.

Dr. Annilee Rohrscheib, M.D.

Sharon Mills

Melonie Tilley, DeWitt County Board member


Piatt County: 

Dr. John Sochor, D.D.S.

Dr. Lauren Fore, M.D.

Danika Frye

Jerry Edwards, Piatt County Board member