Reportable Diseases

Reportable Diseases

Reportable Diseases

Mandated reporters, such as health care providers, hospitals and laboratories, by law must report suspected or confirmed cases of certain infectious diseases electronically through Illinois’ National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (I-NEDSS). If they do not have access to I-NEDSS, they can report by mail, telephone us at 217-935-3427 ext. 2139 or by fax to 217-935-9820.


To find out more about mandated reporters, please go to


If we cannot be reached during normal business hours, contact the Illinois Department of Public Health Division of Infectious Disease at 217-785-7165. If the local health department cannot be reached afterhours, weekends or holidays, contact the Illinois Emergency Management Agency at 800-782-7860 (Illinois only) or 217-782-7860 and the duty officer will get in touch with the Illinois Department of Public Health.


For a list of reportable diseases and timeframes: Notifiable Disease and Conditions poster.pdf